In the News
Class Participants Make Healthy Food Choices!
What EFNEP Has Done: Araceli Delgadillo, Nutrition Educator, taught Eat Smart Be Active classes in our very own UC Cooperative Extension office. During these classes the participants learned how to make healthy food choices, learned about food safety, how to prepare new foods and recipes and how to implement food budgets in their homes. Some of Araceli’s weekly topics included: "Plan, Shop and Save, Make Half of your Grains Whole, Build Strong Bones, Go Lean with Proteins and Make a Change". Parent Gabriela Morales states “Before coming to these classes I would eat large portions, our meals were a lot of sugar, oil, and salt, mainly meat and tortillas”. “We ate fast food regularly”. Very rarely was Gabriela’s family involved in any physical activity.
The Pay Off: Parent Gabriela Morales has made drastic changes in her household. What she has done: she does not add too much oil, salt and sugar to her food. She now steams a lot of her food in place of frying. She is adding more fruits and vegetables to her meals and adding less meat and tortillas. If Gabriela’s family goes out to a fast food place they order a large order of fries for 6 people and two drinks for the whole family. Many times they don’t buy soft drinks and ask for a cup for water instead. She engages in regular physical activity in which she includes her family. Gabriela states “we go for walks now after dinner". Gabriela is very thankful for the EFNEP Nutrition Program.