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It's the Season for Swarming

That’s how bee populations expand and move into new areas. Honey bees swarm when their hives become congested due to the rapid buildup of bees and stored food as temperatures warm in the spring. Swarms are usually gentle and beekeepers may come collect them to build up their own apiaries. To watch a video of a swarm, click the following link: Swarm Video

To learn more about swarms and what to do if a swarm moves into your yard or neighborhood, click this link: Bee Swarm to view a 7 minute narrated powerpoint.

Click here to view a list of Beekeepers in Fresno that will collect swarms

If you would like additional information about Removing Swarms and Established Colonies from Private Property written by Eric C Mussen, Extension Apiculturist at UC Davis, please click on this link: http://ucanr.org/removingswarms