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In the News

What’s Learned in Vegas Shouldn’t Stay in Vegas

Participants will have their choice of sessions in the afternoon with breakouts covering Corn and Small Grain Silage and Forage Crops, Pest Management, and Irrigation and Soils.  There will be an Exhibitors Reception in the evening and then you’re free to enjoy dinner and a night on the exciting Las Vegas Strip. 

The next day, speakers will discuss producing quality forages for different markets. The conference will draw to a close with speakers and a panel discussion addressing GMOs and Roundup Ready® alfalfa.  A special BioFuels Workshop is scheduled immediately following the Alfalfa and Forage Conference.  For program details, registration, and hotel information, visit:  http://ucanr.org/sites/Alfalfa_Forages/

We hope to see you at this exciting conference.