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In the News

Grape Day 2011

Some of the earliest Grape Days were held on the UC Davis campus with H. B. Richardson, Extension Specialist, and A.J. Winkler, Chair of the Department of Viticulture and Enology, organized the first program in 1951. In the 1960s, Amand Kasimatis, Extension Specialist established several regional Grape Days at off campus facilities, including the first Grape Day at the Kearney Agricultural Center (KAC) in 1967, two years after the center was opened. Since 2005, Matthew Fidelibus, Extension Specialist and Stephen Vasquez, Viticulture Farm Advisor have organized Grape Day at the KAC. This year, Grape Day offers a program covering a variety of topics releveant to grape production. We hope you find this year’s program to be interesting and enjoyable, and that you will join us again in 2013.

Kearney Agricultural Center
Parlier, CA
August 16, 2011
7:30 am – 12:00 pm
$10/person includes: refreshments, meeting and proceeding

Registration: 7:30 am-8:00 am
Program: 8:00 am-12:00 pm

Field tours:
Understanding water use of grapevines
Andrew McElrone, USDA-ARS, Davis CA

Using the ‘Paso Panel’ to aid in irrigation scheduling
Mark Battany, UCCE, San Luis Obispo County

New wine grape varieties for the San Joaquin Valley
James Wolpert, UC Davis

The development of new grape rootstocks for the San Joaquin Valley
Peter Cousins, USDA-ARS, Geneva, NY

Classroom presentations:
Trapping and baiting for gopher control in vineyards
Roger Baldwin, UC IPM Advisor, Parlier, CA

Critical weed free periods in vineyard development
Kurt Hembree, UCCE, Fresno County

Fruitfulness of DOV raisin cultivars
Matthew Fidelibus, UC Davis and UC Kearney Ag Center

ONLINE REGISTRATION: http://ucanr.org/grape-day
Contact: Matthew Fidelibus at (559) 646-6500